Hi everyone,
Thanks for visiting Japan Homes blog.
(For Japanese please see at the bottom of this post).
There is updated news about building minor dwellings (MD) in Auckland that Resource Consent (RC) for these new buildings needs to be approved by August 19, 2016.
For the other posts about Minor Unit: HURRY TO PLAN YOUR GRANNY FLAT!!
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and RC Application
As some of you guys already know Auckland Council is going to introduce a new district plan called “Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP)” this year (most likely in September).
Currently there is still on-going talk about the details of the new regulations but most likely PAUP will not accept building MDs in Auckland.
However, there is possibility that a MD attached to a main building may be approved in PAUP but this is being discussed and the outcome is unknown at the moment.
As such, you should consult with professionals (Architects, Town Planner, etc) immediately to apply for RC which is normally processed within 20 working days if you are planning to build a MD.
In addition, once you get RC, Building Consent for your MD will not have any particular deadline related to PAUP.
For your reference I list here what is possibly required for RC application.
-Stormwater report
-Septic report
-Town planner ( to do reports for the Resource Consent application)
-Geotech report
-Survey (to position the dwelling )
-Overland flow path report
-Acoustic report (in close proximity to the airfield)
Thanks for reading!!
本日もJapan Homesのブログ訪問していただき、ありがとうございます!
今日はMinor Dwelling(MD=グラニーフラット)建築申請についての最新の情報をお知らせ致します。
MDを建てるためにオークランド市役所に提出するResource Consent(RC)は今年8月19日までに許可を貰わないといけません。
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and RC Application
既に何人かの読者はご存知かもしれませんが、今年オークランド市役所は“Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP)”という新しい建築、市街地規制を施工する予定です。
もし読者の中でMDの建設を考えおられる方がいましたら、すぐに専門家(設計士、Town Plannerなど)に相談し、通常申請してから許可取得まで20営業日ほどかかるRCの申請を迅速に行うことをお勧め致します。
ちなみにですが、RCを取得すればBuilding Consent(建築許可)については、特にPAUPに関して期日の期限はありません。
-Stormwater report
-Septic report
-Townplanner ( to do reports for the Resource Consent application)
-Geotech report
-Survey (to position the dwelling )
-Overland flow path report
-Acoustic report (in close proximity to the airfield)
Amazon Okuchi
JAPAN HOMES LIMITED Email: jphnzokuchi@gmail.com Phone: 0800 00 5055
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